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Showing posts from 2010

Singapore Math Administrators Symposium, Chicago IL USA, 27-29 January 2011

This is for curriculum directors from all over the US. The content is similar to the one in Nashville. Singapore Math Administrators Symposium, Chicago View more presentations from jimmykeng .

Singapore Math Administrators Symposium, Nashville TN USA, 24 - 25 January 2011

This symposium is for curriculum directors and other administrators in the state of Tennessee. I gave a series of presentations on behalf of Marshall Cavendish Institute, to give the curriculum directors a sense of what is involved in effective professional development of mathematics teachers and also to update them on the recent initiatives in Singapore education with a particular focus on mathematics instruction. The sessions were titled Experiencing Singapore Math. Singapore Math Administrators Symposium, Nashville View more presentations from jimmykeng . A similar symposium was held in Chicago a couple of days later.

20th National Conference on Science and Mathematics in Schools 11-13 January 2011 Rajabhat Chiangrai University

I will be speaking on a plenary session titled Sustainable Development of in-School Science and Mathematics experiences from Neighbouring Countries. There will be speakers from Singapore, Japan, Korea and Thailand. หัวข้อเสวนา งานประชุมวิชาการวิทยาศาสตร์และคณิตศาสตร์ในโรงเรียน ครั้งที่20 (วทร.20) ณ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเชียงราย หัวข้อ (ภาษาไทย) “พัฒนาวิทยาศาสตร์ คณิตศาสตร์ใน โรงเรียนอย่างยั่งยืน ประสบการณ์จากประเทศเพื่อนบ้าน” (ภาษาอังกฤษ) “Sustainable Development of Science and Mathematics in School: Experiences from Nearby Countries” 20th National Conference on School Science & Mathematics View more presentations from jimmykeng . ผู้ร่วมเสวนา: จากประเทศ Thailand Singapore Japan Korea ผู้ดำเนินรายการ: น.ส.สติยา ลังกาพินทุ์

APEC-Chiangmai Lesson Study International Symposium IV, Chiangmai Thailand, 2-6 November 2010

APEC-Chiang Mai International Conference IV: Innovation of Mathematics Teaching and Learning through Lesson Study Connection between Assessment and Subject Matter Day 1 I will be on the post-lesson disucssion for a Grade 1 Maths research lesson with Lim Chap Sam (Malaysia), Cheng Chun Chor Litwin (Hong Kong, China), Marsigit (Indonesia), Young-suk Lee (South Korea) and Shizumi Shimizu (Japan) Day 3 I am doing a specialist presentation . Soledad A. Ulep (The Philippines) is in the same session. I am also doing the commentary with Litwin Cheng (Hong Kong, China) at the specialsit presentations by Tran Vui (Vietnam) and Marsigit (Indonesia). Day 4 I am on the Panel Discussion on he topic: How to assess students’ mathematical learning in problem solving classroom with David Tall (UK), Wang Shangzhi (China), Hee Chan Lew (South Korea), and Masami Isoda (Japan) moderated by Max Stephens (Autralia)

North Utah Curriculum Consortium Annual Adminsitrative Conference, 28 October 2010

October 27th (6:00-7:00 p.m.) Yeap Ban Har will be speaking to a group called 'The High School Renewal Committee'. It is a group of parents, business leaders, administrators, teachers, school board members and university representatives. The primary purpose of the group is to design a world-class mathematics system for the Cache County School District. Dr Craig Asthon, Diretcor of Curriculum for Cache County School District is the chair the group. Ban Har will share his thoughts about the organization of the Singapore curriculum and why it has been so successful. October 28th (9:00-10:30 a.m.) Yeap Ban Har is the keynote speaker to approximately 300 administrators in the Eccles Conference Center Auditorium on the campus of Utah State University. The title of the lecture is 'Common Core Standards in Mathematics...A View From Asia'. October 28th (1:15-2:30 p.m.) YEap Ban Har will be speaking to approximately 100 Math Specialists from eleven school districts. The topic ...

NCTM 2010 Regional Conferences & Expositions, Denver, Colorado 7-8 October 2010

One of the participants wrote to me about her learning experience at the session on Problem Solving in the Singapore Classrooms. "I had the privilege of attending one of your sessions at the NCTM in San Diego last spring. I think we were into our third modeling problem when time elapsed. I had to stay to finish, because I actually "felt myself learn" in my brain, as I applied what we had discovered in the first problem to the third one... It was an 'epiphany', but a 'math epiphany', and one of the neatest things I've experienced. I have, and will continue to share with others this experience, and perhaps learn how to help others experience the same..." Cathy, a fourth grade US teacher NCTM 2010 Regional Conferences & Expositions Denver 1 View more presentations from jimmykeng . NCTM 2010 Regional Conferences & Expositions Denver 2 View more presentations from jimmykeng .

2011 Mathematics Teachers Conference, Singapore, 2 June 2011

Using Anchor Tasks to Develop Students' Ability in Communication, Reasoning and Connections in Primary Mathematics In many Japanese mathematics lessons that I have observed, teachers use one task to organise a lesson. In this session, it will be demonstrated how an anchor task can be used to build a culture where communication, reasoning and connections is the norm. The teacher's role in such classrooms will be evident through demonstrations. The demosntrations include lessons meant to teach a new concept as well as lessons for drill-and-practice.

Seminario: Avancemos En Las Matematicas: La Mirada de Singapur, Conception & Santiago, Chile 28 and 30 September 2010

Held at Hotel Terrano in Conception and Hotel Manquehue in Santiago, this seminar is to introduce the Singapore Textbook Project by Chilean Ministry of Education. In this project, schools are sampled and it will involve 100 teachers and 40000 students in all parts of Chile. The project involve the school opting for Pensar sin Limites textbook instead of the regular MOE textbook. For 2011, Primary 1 and Primary 2 are involved. In the following year, Primary 3 will be added. Eventually Primary 4 students will be involved in 2013. I spoke on the focus, the learning principles and the factors that contribute to pupil learning. I also shared data to indicate the efficacy of the programme. Spanish Version Chile MOE Seminar Spanish View more presentations from jimmykeng . In English Chile MOE Seminar English View more presentations from jimmykeng .

Global Forum on Singapore Mathematics 2010, Singapore

Marshall Cevendish Education and Marshall Cavendish Institute hosted the first ever Global Forum on Singapore Mathematics in Singapore. 18 countries were represented. I presented three papers at the forum. Global forum paper 1 View more presentations from jimmykeng . Global forum paper 2 View more presentations from jimmykeng . Global Forum on Singapore Mathematics Paper 3 View more presentations from jimmykeng .

EARCOME 5, Tokyo, Japan 19-22 August 2010

EARCOME-5 Fifth East Asian Conference on Mathematics Education. The second conference was held in Singapore in 2002 where SEACME9 (Southeast Asian Conference on Mathematics Education) merged with the East Asian edition to give rise to this series of conference. Subsequently, EARCOME-3 was held in Shanghai and EARCOME-4 in Penang. EARCOME-5 in Japan included a lesson study component. It seems like there is a plan to alternate the hosting opportunity between a North Asian city and a Southeast Asian city. But because there are fewer North Asian countries, this plan may not be followed strictly. At EARCOME-5, itwas decided that the conference will from now on run on a 3-3-2 years cycles. That way EARCOME and ICME will not happen on the same year. The next two conferences are in 2013 (Thailand) and in 2015 (The Philippines). Sunsequent editions will be in 2018, 2021, 2023, 2026, 2029 and so on. I participated in this conference and was part of the Plenary Panel on Excellence in Classroom Pr...

Benchmarking Education Systems for Results East Asia Regional Conference, Singapore 21-23 June 2010

See,,contentMDK:22447864~menuPK:282428~pagePK:64020865~piPK:51164185~theSitePK:282386,00.html Benchmarking Education Systems for Results East Asia Regional Conference is a World Bank event. I will be presenting in this segment: Effective Learning Assessment Systems - Using Assessments for Policy Dialogue The Session Chair is Jee-Peng Tan, World Bank. Jordan is represented by Khattab Abulibdeh of National Center for Human Resources Development, Jordan while Singapore is represented by Yeap Ban Har of National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore The Indicator Discussion is led by Marguerite Clarke. World Bank East Asia Regional Conference View more presentations from jimmykeng .

2011 ASCD Annual Conference Proposal

With only half of the teachers in primary schools having undergraduate degrees and a negligible number with a mathematics degree, bold actions are necessary to ensure tha a high-quality instruction is available to the majority of the students. This session shows how a coherent, dynamic framework is essential to achieve the desired educational goals.

Conferences 2011

epiSTEME - 4: Fourth international conference to review research on Science, TEchnology and Mathematics Education Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR), Mumbai, India, January 5-9, 2011 CERME 2011 - Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Rzeszow, Poland, February 9-13, 2011 XIII CIAEM — Inter-American Conference on Mathematics Education Recife, Brasil, June 26-30, 2011. ICTMT10 - 10th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching University of Portsmouth, July 5-8, 2011 PME 35 - CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL GROUP FOR THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION Ankara, Turkey, July 10-15, 2011 SEMT 11 - SYMPOSIUM ON ELEMENTARY MATHS TEACHING Prague, Czech Republic, August 21-26, 2011 ICMI Study 21 Conference São Paulo, Brazil, September 16-20, 2011 http://www.icmi-21...

NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Diego USA, 21-24 April 2010

NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition Mathematics Problems from Primary Schools in Singapore (by I used problems from the Primary Mathematics (Standards Edition) in this sessions to discuss the different roles of problems. Making Connections: Problems from Singapore Classrooms I used problems from textbooks, national examination (PSLE) and teacher-created problems as well as problems from lesson study to show the kind of problems typical in the Singapore classrooms. Panel Does Singapore Mathematics Enhance Student Learning in the United States? I did the introduction to this panel presentation by describing selected aspects of mathematics teaching and learning in Singapore. Special Event What's The Theory Behind Singapore Math? This session for teachers in California helped teachers understand the theoretical undepinning of Singapore Math - plus they get to see a video of problem solving in a Grade 1 class and solve some PSLE problems themselves. The presentations a...

National Conference on Singapore Math Strategies, Las Vegas, USA 12 - 15 July 2010

National Conference on Singapore Math Strategies is the third one held on an annual basis. Always in the exciting Las Vegas. It is my second time teaching at this institute. This year a colleague who used to teach at the NIE, Dr Douglas Edge, presented at the conference too. See I have developed several new presentations and use new examples and activites for those taught last year. Hopefully, those who insist on attending the same sessions that they did last year will not be bored with the same tasks. Actually, there is a rich array of sessions to attend at any time slot, given that the number of presenters have increased. I am happy to note that two collegues from Scarsdale School District, where I have visited on several occasions, presented at the conference as well. My sessions at the conference were: A4 Teaching Kindergarten and First Grade Math A10 Questioning Questions - Techniques to Improve Attitude Towards Mathematics B2 Challenging Word Problems Without Using The Model Met...

NCSM Annual Conference, San Diego, USA 19-21 April 2010

NCSM 42nd Annual Conference Session 326 Strand 3 Venue: Windsor BC Integrating Curriculum, Assessment and Teacher Professional Development : Singapore and the United States Panel of Speakers Jeremy Roschelle (Stanford Research Institute International) Charles Patton (Stanford Research Institute International) Yeap Ban Har (National Institute of Education) Wong Khoon Yoong (National Institute of Education) My paper is titled Teacher Professional Development in Singapore Schools where I draw upon the two funded research projects I am co-investigators in as well as my work in lesson study and coducting PDs in Singapore schools for primary school teachers. The presentation is available at and I attended the keynote The Opportunity: From Brutal Facts to the Best Schools We've Ever Had where he addressed the need for authentic team-based PLCs, guranteed and viable curriculum, leadership in PLC, and writing in mathematics. I am trying to attend more s...

Harvard University, Boston, USA 15 April 2010

The Singapore Mathematics Curriculum: What Makes It So Good? is an seminar organised by Katherine K. Merseth and Jon R. Star from Harvard Graduate School of Education. I discuss the three key theoretical underpinnings of the intended curriculum - Bruner, Dienes and Skemp. I discuss the enactive, iconic and symbolic representation of Jerome Bruner, the concept of multiple embodiment and the principle of perceptual and mathe,atical variability of Zoltan Dienes, and the notion of relational and instrumental understanding of Richard Skemp. It was generally well-received by a crowd of about 40 graduate students who are interested in mathematics education as well as a few faculty members from both the education and mathematiucs departments. The presentation slides are available at

Boston College, Boston, USA 14 April 2010

Mathematics Education Seminar Venue: McGuinn Hall 521, Boston College The lecture focuses on selected aspects of mathematics education in Singapore that have significant impact on high achievement of its students. It provides selected insights on the role of curriculum development, structures in the education system that support curriculum implementation, textbooks, teacher training, assessment and testing, and societal expectations on student outcomes. A group of people from the schools districts, department of education as well as faculty members of Boston College, Boston University and Harvard University were at the seminar.

ASCD Annual Conference, San Antonio, USA 6-8 March 2010

At ASCD Conference & Exhibit Show, one can attend sessions on differentiated instruction (Tomlinson) and understanding by design(Wiggin & McTighe), two ideas that have caught on in Singapore schools. The ASCD bookstore carries a range of high quality books on professional learning and topics such as DI and UbD. At the ASCD Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas, I presented a session on big ideas in elementary mathematics with a prtofessional development slant (Session 2130 on Sunday morning). The session was packed with all the 120 seats taken. I am glad it was well received. I also presented for SingaporeMath.Com. This session is to provide US educators a glimpse into Singapore primary classrooms (on Sunday lunchtime). Session 2130 Transforming Mathematics for the 21st Century: What Teachers Need to Know Description: What is the role of mathematics in educating children? What are the key competencies in elementary mathematics? This presentation will help teachers and curricu...

APEC Lesson Study, Tokyo, Japan 18-21 February 2010

The top photo shows the APEC lesson study specialists who meet twice a year under this project. In 2010, they meet in Tokyo (February) and Chiangmai (November). The lower photo shows Singapore teachers' visit to a junior high school after the conference. The Fourth APEC-Tsukuba International Conference: Innovation of Mathematics Teaching and Learning through Lesson Study with the theme of Connection between Assessment and Subject Matter is an extension of the APEC HRD Lesson Study Project 03/2006, 02/2007, 02/2008 under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Science, Japan and the Ministry of Education, Thailand. This conference is part of the Lesson Study for Implementing Curriculum: Developing Innovative Assessment Problem HRD 01/2010 which aims to improve mathematics and science teaching. Tsukuba University Japan and Khon Kaen University Thailand are the conveners of this project. I am at the conference on the invitation of Tsukuba University as one of what the project c...

Erikson Institute, Chicago, USA, May 2008

Go to for a presentation on big ideas in early mathematics as well as interviews on some issues connected with mathematics education. Videos of the lecture is available