NCSM 42nd Annual Conference
Session 326 Strand 3 Venue: Windsor BC
Integrating Curriculum, Assessment and Teacher Professional Development : Singapore and the United States
Panel of Speakers
Jeremy Roschelle (Stanford Research Institute International)
Charles Patton (Stanford Research Institute International)
Yeap Ban Har (National Institute of Education)
Wong Khoon Yoong (National Institute of Education)
My paper is titled Teacher Professional Development in Singapore Schools where I draw upon the two funded research projects I am co-investigators in as well as my work in lesson study and coducting PDs in Singapore schools for primary school teachers.
The presentation is available at and
I attended the keynote The Opportunity: From Brutal Facts to the Best Schools We've Ever Had where he addressed the need for authentic team-based PLCs, guranteed and viable curriculum, leadership in PLC, and writing in mathematics.
I am trying to attend more sessions on professional learning of teachers.
I attended a session led by Skip Fennell on elementary mathematics specialists. There are many sessions on professional learning and some on lesson study. I attended The Math Forum session on on-line learning for teachers ( and a sharing on lesson study at a school in Las Vegas - Robert Lund Elementary School in Clark County School District.
I also attended two sessions on U.S. teachers learning to use Singapore textbooks. Patsy Kanter and Andy Clark gave these sessions.
On the second day, I attended a lesson study sharing by Houston Independent School District on Algebra I.
I also went to listen to Barbara Reys spoke about the ten pressing challenges in mathematics education where several of the challenges are link to teacher professional development such as teachers' content knowledge, teachers' understanding of how students think and effective strategies to teach specific concepts, induction of new teachers, and weak influence of theory on practice.
I managed to attend a session on lesson study by Jane Gorman on differences in teacher learning for novice and experienced teachers as well as the role of facilitators on teacher learning before i had to spend the rest of the day presneting my session and doing a PD session for California teachers.
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