Other than running three sessions for parents in Pathlight School on various topics in mathematics and sciences, I will be teaching in several school districts as well as a state conference. I am also facilitating several sessions when educators from England are in Singapore in the later part of April.
Weston Public Schools | Connecticut
I will stay on to deliver the opening keynote address at the state's annual conference on 29 April. I will also do a concurrent session on 30 April.
See MCTM's website
Pathlight School | Singapore
Parents of students of Pathlight School would have received information on registration for the three sessions to be held on the evening of 20.21.22 April.
Primary 1-2 Parents
Guiding Your Child at Home in Maths
Primary 3-6 Parents
Primary School Science Process Skills - What Are They?
Secondary School Parents
Doing Well in Science and Maths at Secondary Level
If it is up to me, I will have all of you plus your friends. But the principal has decreed - there is only so much space in the school hall, so one parent per student, on a first-come-first-served basis. 😂
Weston Public Schools | Connecticut
Over three days, I will meet with grade level groups, from kindergarten through high school. 4.5.6 April
Wesport Public Schools | Connecticut
Over five days, we will engage in lesson study type lesson planning, teaching and post-lesson discussion with different grade levels in elementary school and secondary school. April
University of Chicago Laboratory Schools | Chicago
I will be doing three open lessons on 14 April and a workshop on 15 April.
Latin School | Chicago
This is my third visit to the school. 25.26.27 April
Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics | Duluth
Rose Taylor Symposium for Mathematics Education and Leadership | I will lead the symposium that had the theme Mathematics Lessons That Work - Lesson Structure and Classroom Management Practices.
28 April | Register here
I will stay on to deliver the opening keynote address at the state's annual conference on 29 April. I will also do a concurrent session on 30 April.
See MCTM's website
There is also an England-Singapore Professional Development to be held in Singapore. Three schools in Singapore will be joining this event. About twenty or so educators from England will join our teachers.
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