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Showing posts from September, 2014

Schedule for Yeap Ban Har (Quarter 4)

October 2014 The Netherlands | 30 September and 1.2 October | I will spend a day in a school, Snijdersschool in Rijswijk, to observe mathematic lessons across grade levels. At the end of the day, I will get to share with the teachers the fundamentals of mathematics teaching. I will also be present at several events organized by Bazaalt who published a Dutch version based on My Pals Are Here! Among others, I will be speaking with a group of trainers that provide professional development for Dutch teachers as well as teachers who have been using Rekenwonders, the Dutch version of a Singapore textbook. On one of the afternoons, I will conduct a masterclass on teaching basic skills as well as problem solving using bar models. Contact Bazalt for details. Jakarta, Indonesia | 11 October 2014 I will be doing a one-day workshop in my capacity as a consultant to New Syllabus Mathematics, a popular secondary textbook series in Singapore school, for secondary mathematics teache...