I am visiting Anglo Singapore International School in Bangkok on 27th to help the early years team move closer to the school's vision Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn. I am also giving two classes for Thai graduate students. On 29th Kasetsart University will host the first seminar and the next day Srinakharinwirot University will host the second. World Association for Lesson Studies | Exeter 3.4.5 September I will be attending this conference as a member of WALS Council. Tur Ta Konta Foundation & University of Curaçao | Curaçao I will be conducting a series of seminars for the first time in Curaçao on 7.8.9 September. Program and Symposium in Curacao named “Innovative Approaches to Mathematics” 7 Sep 2016 [Fundashon Tur Ta Konta] Other than meeting with the media, interviews and talkshows, I will meet tutors from Fundashon Tur Konta 6:00-8:00 p.m. Meet & Greet with Tutors Fundashon Tur Ta Konta Synopsis | At this event, Yeap Ban Har will ...
this blog helps dr yeap ban har remembers where he is supposed to be at doing whatever he is supposed to be doing