APEC-Chiang Mai International Conference IV: Innovation of Mathematics Teaching and Learning through Lesson Study Connection between Assessment and Subject Matter Day 1 I will be on the post-lesson disucssion for a Grade 1 Maths research lesson with Lim Chap Sam (Malaysia), Cheng Chun Chor Litwin (Hong Kong, China), Marsigit (Indonesia), Young-suk Lee (South Korea) and Shizumi Shimizu (Japan) Day 3 I am doing a specialist presentation . Soledad A. Ulep (The Philippines) is in the same session. I am also doing the commentary with Litwin Cheng (Hong Kong, China) at the specialsit presentations by Tran Vui (Vietnam) and Marsigit (Indonesia). Day 4 I am on the Panel Discussion on he topic: How to assess students’ mathematical learning in problem solving classroom with David Tall (UK), Wang Shangzhi (China), Hee Chan Lew (South Korea), and Masami Isoda (Japan) moderated by Max Stephens (Autralia)
this blog helps dr yeap ban har remembers where he is supposed to be at doing whatever he is supposed to be doing